In February 2024, we updated the Community that we would be selling our remaining UNI tokens to help fund our work. At the time, we noted that we would be moving a quarter of our UNI tokens out of our multisig each quarter this year to make these monthly sales.
Today, we are letting the community know that we are adjusting the amount of remaining UNI tokens we sell at a time. Along with the first tranche of funding we received in 2021, we will also begin selling from the second tranche we received from our proposal earlier in 2024. This will bring the total amount of UNI we sell biweekly to 27,776 UNI beginning in February 2025.
As the political and regulatory landscapes continue to evolve, now is not the time to sit idly by. Instead, we will use this momentum to intensify our efforts to advocate for pro-DeFi positions at both federal and state levels, and demonstrate DeFi's transformative potential to lawmakers and regulators. Achieving these goals requires funding our initiatives in U.S. dollars, enabling us to continue pushing back against regulatory overreach, writing comprehensive amicus briefs, comment letters and articles, and attracting top-tier talent to join our ranks.
As always, we want to be as transparent as we can and will continue to provide the community with timely updates on the Fund’s activities and expenditures. We encourage you to subscribe to our weekly newsletter for regular updates, join our Telegram group, and to review our monthly updates on our work and spending.
Should you have any questions about our plan, please do not hesitate to reach out to Nathan at or to our team on X @fund_defi.